Tuesday, November 22

How To Have a Gnome Themed Birthday Party

Vampires are so yesterday, so you'll want to file these ideas away for your trendy friends, knowing I did it first. Or honestly, my trendy and creative friends did it for me.

You start with the cake, but since gnomes are small you should use "baby cakes" or "little cakes" more commonly known as cupcakes. Decorate them as mushrooms and place a cut out gnome on top of each mushroom.

Delicious but requires some sick scissor skills.

 In order to compliment that, you need to wrap gifts with the theme too.

A banjo only makes it better.

 Make sure there is plenty of juice to go around for all your guests.

 Allow a little time for relaxing reading with this gift. And there you have it.

Debt Free

My birthday present to myself.