It's light out. I realize I need to
start my journey. I gather my pack. Inside I put the supplies I know
I will need. Sunglasses, bus pass, wallet, water bottle, sunscreen,
watch and a hat. I know it will be cool at first so I wear a jacket.
Locking the door behind me I start walking. The air is fresh and
cool. The familiar smells of summer sting my nostrils. Freshly mowed
grass and dog poop.
Soon I realize my pace is too quick
because my legs begin to ache. I've only gone a block. As I start my
approach to a busy intersection, the exhaust greets me. By the next
crosswalk, I feel the beginning signs of dehydration. Though the air
is cool, I am beginning to sweat. After the crosswalk sign changes, I
cross the street, I can feel them all watching me. At the same time,
feeling safe because no driver can say they didn't see me in my
yellow jacket.
I take out my pack and find my water
bottle. The water is still cool and refreshes me. After returning my
bottle to my pack, I continue walking down a long stretch of
sidewalk. I notice a gradual increase in traffic. I find the source
of the mowed grass smell as I pass two mowers. Thankfully, they pause
when I pass so I'm not sprayed with the damp green blades.
As I near my destination, I realize
that I don't see it. The bus stop should be visible from here.
Looking at my watch I should be there just in time to not have to
wait long. Continuing, I start to get nervous. How far is the bus
stop from the road?
My nervousness
makes me thirsty. I get another drink from my water bottle. Maybe
it's just further back from the road. As I get closer I realize it
isn't. The bus stop is not there at all.
decide it hasn't been moved or has it? Then I consider the
possibilities. Am I at the right intersection?
I'm not. I must
have confused the street names. Everything starts with "H".
Checking my watch,
I realize I have to move fast to get to the right street. It's not
likely that I will make it in time. I quicken my pace. Distressed
that I have to stop at the crosswalk for what feels like forever. I'm
not walking anymore but marching down the sidewalk. My legs are
feeling the pound against the pavement. I will have to cross the
street again, but the bus stop is there I can tell from the distance.
I'm about 50 feet away from the intersection when I see the bus turn,
stop and leave before I can cross the street. I missed the bus.
Checking my watch,
I may have time to walk home, and drive my car to my appointment
without being late. It's hotter now and the marching has made me
sweaty. I take off my jacket and tie it around my waste, so I'm still
visible to the drivers. I am able to arrive home and drive to my
appointment without arriving late. Public transportation is a game.
You win or lose. Maybe I lost. Maybe I just
beat the system.