Saturday, July 28

Forget Batman, Superman is Better

How does Superman come up with all of those great one-liners?  That's what he does when he's at his secret sanctum. Write one-liners.

Saturday, July 14

Banjo lessons Part 2

It hasn't happened yet, but I'm pretty sure my banjo teacher is going to hit me with the neck of his banjo. On accident though...

Friday, July 13

Using All 5 Senses

One day I was playing cards during lunch with family...It was my turn to deal.

Me - "Hum...these must be the dinner deck. I can tell because they are greasy."

Sister - "Yes and they all smell different. See (Sniffing a card) Pizza! (Sniffing a card) This one's hot dogs! (Sniffing a card) Leftover lasagna..."

I learned a new game that day. It required all 5 senses.