Tuesday, May 29

The Breaking of the Fellowship

The time of the Trio has ended as we've parted ways leading us into different directions. Now if we don't keep moving, we run the risk of becoming stagnant and that stinks. Literally, stagnant water smells, bad.

So the current living situation will be changing. I've been advised that having a roommate is cheaper. However, I have high expectations. I was explaining to a friend the qualities that I couldn't live with. They mentioned that any potential roommate would have to have a "flaw."

So, I decided to make a list of potential flaws that I could live with:

1.  Extra number of toes

2.  Nerd

3.  Eat out every meal

4.  Gym rat

5.  Bad taste in music

6.  Avid bird watcher

7.  Pink is their favorite color...Or wait, no actually, that wouldn't work...

8.  Iron their jeans

9.  English is not their 1st language

10.  Think Nicolas Cage is a good actor

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