Saturday, August 20

How to Slice a Banana

You need to start with a sharp knife, a ripe banana and a cutting board. 

Take your banana and chop off the ends.  This simplifies removing the peel.


Now for the most important part, slice into the banana at an acute angle.

Actually, not as acute as it should have been, but you get the idea right?


This gives you longer slices of bananas and they just look so fun! Now add chocolate and some ice cream.

Saturday, August 13

Taiwanese Down-Home Cooking

Don't know how to?  Here's the perfect solution.  First you need to find someone from Taiwan, which is easy to do in a college town. Then you need to let them move in with you after their lease it up, provided they do the cooking until they have a job opportunity out of state and have to move away...

Hot and sour soup--the only thing right out of a package

Green bean sprouts, turkey burger and other surprises

zucchini and ground turkey burger with chili pepper

Broccoli with sesame oil and garlic

Yumm...It was the most delicious 2 weeks of my life.

Saturday, August 6

Moving In, Moving Out

It is the season for moving and that is as good as time as any to clean out some areas, because you can ALWAYS get rid of stuff you don't need. Here's the right way to do it.  You will need 3 bags. One bag is for trash, one is for giving away and one is for what you will be keeping.

The next step is to identify a room or area you desire to reorganize, clean out, etc. Start small so you do not overwhelm yourself.

A good small start would be this corner shelf area.

This is another corner shelf that needs attention

Also the bathroom gets crowded so quickly, so add that to the list.  Now that we have some areas to tackle, it is important to be in the right mood to get rid of stuff.  If you are not already, you can watch an episode of the show Hoarders. That will do it. So start throwing stuff away and giving it away by asking yourself the question: "What would I do if I didn't have this?"
This is really effective especially when you come across things you didn't know you had.

 Do not be discouraged, when you are getting organized you will have a bigger mess for awhile.

Proof that it pays to get organized, I found a $5 bill! A Christmas present I put in a weird place.
Now the end result. How satisfying.

I was able to empty the right side of the bathroom sink completely.

And changed how things are stacked in the corner shelf.

Friday, August 5

Anyone Read Hie-ro-glyph-ics?


We met some folks that felt compelled to give us a gift which they had picked up while in Egypt (yeah, not making that up). Brilliant colors and on papyrus. That's all I can tell you about it. I wasn't sure about asking them if they knew what it said. Pretty sure they did not speak Egyptian.  But maybe someone out there does?

I would want to know what it says before framing it and mounting it on a wall right?