Saturday, July 28

Forget Batman, Superman is Better

How does Superman come up with all of those great one-liners?  That's what he does when he's at his secret sanctum. Write one-liners.

Saturday, July 14

Banjo lessons Part 2

It hasn't happened yet, but I'm pretty sure my banjo teacher is going to hit me with the neck of his banjo. On accident though...

Friday, July 13

Using All 5 Senses

One day I was playing cards during lunch with family...It was my turn to deal.

Me - "Hum...these must be the dinner deck. I can tell because they are greasy."

Sister - "Yes and they all smell different. See (Sniffing a card) Pizza! (Sniffing a card) This one's hot dogs! (Sniffing a card) Leftover lasagna..."

I learned a new game that day. It required all 5 senses.

Tuesday, May 29

The Breaking of the Fellowship

The time of the Trio has ended as we've parted ways leading us into different directions. Now if we don't keep moving, we run the risk of becoming stagnant and that stinks. Literally, stagnant water smells, bad.

So the current living situation will be changing. I've been advised that having a roommate is cheaper. However, I have high expectations. I was explaining to a friend the qualities that I couldn't live with. They mentioned that any potential roommate would have to have a "flaw."

So, I decided to make a list of potential flaws that I could live with:

1.  Extra number of toes

2.  Nerd

3.  Eat out every meal

4.  Gym rat

5.  Bad taste in music

6.  Avid bird watcher

7.  Pink is their favorite color...Or wait, no actually, that wouldn't work...

8.  Iron their jeans

9.  English is not their 1st language

10.  Think Nicolas Cage is a good actor

Saturday, May 19

Speedy Jiggler-Making

How to Make REALLY FAST Jello Jigglers!!

 You're gonna need some molds on loan.

You're gonna need some grease.

You're gonna need some j-e-l-l-o!

I like primary colors. 

You're gonna need some HOT water.

Try not to spill.


You're gonna need some time.

Like at least 2 hours.

 You're gonna have some fun!

Get some whipped cream and make some exhaust come outta those pipes!!

Go Blazers! 

Saturday, May 12

The Sound of Music

Someday, I'll be in a musical or stage play. 

Until then, I can dream can't I? Capt'n Von Trapp!!

Saturday, May 5

Saw it Here First

So, I have noticed the new trend of placing a banjo near a piano as home decor, esp. for commercials...You saw it here first, right?

Friday, March 16

Transportation Games

It's light out. I realize I need to start my journey. I gather my pack. Inside I put the supplies I know I will need. Sunglasses, bus pass, wallet, water bottle, sunscreen, watch and a hat. I know it will be cool at first so I wear a jacket. Locking the door behind me I start walking. The air is fresh and cool. The familiar smells of summer sting my nostrils. Freshly mowed grass and dog poop.

Soon I realize my pace is too quick because my legs begin to ache. I've only gone a block. As I start my approach to a busy intersection, the exhaust greets me. By the next crosswalk, I feel the beginning signs of dehydration. Though the air is cool, I am beginning to sweat. After the crosswalk sign changes, I cross the street, I can feel them all watching me. At the same time, feeling safe because no driver can say they didn't see me in my yellow jacket.

I take out my pack and find my water bottle. The water is still cool and refreshes me. After returning my bottle to my pack, I continue walking down a long stretch of sidewalk. I notice a gradual increase in traffic. I find the source of the mowed grass smell as I pass two mowers. Thankfully, they pause when I pass so I'm not sprayed with the damp green blades.

As I near my destination, I realize that I don't see it. The bus stop should be visible from here. Looking at my watch I should be there just in time to not have to wait long. Continuing, I start to get nervous. How far is the bus stop from the road?

My nervousness makes me thirsty. I get another drink from my water bottle. Maybe it's just further back from the road. As I get closer I realize it isn't. The bus stop is not there at all.

I decide it hasn't been moved or has it? Then I consider the possibilities. Am I at the right intersection?
I'm not. I must have confused the street names. Everything starts with "H".

Checking my watch, I realize I have to move fast to get to the right street. It's not likely that I will make it in time. I quicken my pace. Distressed that I have to stop at the crosswalk for what feels like forever. I'm not walking anymore but marching down the sidewalk. My legs are feeling the pound against the pavement. I will have to cross the street again, but the bus stop is there I can tell from the distance. I'm about 50 feet away from the intersection when I see the bus turn, stop and leave before I can cross the street. I missed the bus.

Checking my watch, I may have time to walk home, and drive my car to my appointment without being late. It's hotter now and the marching has made me sweaty. I take off my jacket and tie it around my waste, so I'm still visible to the drivers. I am able to arrive home and drive to my appointment without arriving late. Public transportation is a game. You win or lose. Maybe I lost. Maybe I just beat the system.

Wednesday, March 14


The new and improved Hans Nelson Wendelkin. He's younger, got cooler shoes and a bushier beard.

Thursday, February 2

Edward Scissorhands

Now That I am a bluegrass banjo student, I look like Edward Scissorhands. I'm not going to lie, I like it. I like it a lot.  I feel powerful.

Tuesday, January 10