Tuesday, January 21

Online Dating Woes from a Veteran

The following includes excerpts from a conversation with a friend sharing her experiences with online dating.

"There are sooo many guys I can't keep them all straight," - Veteran

"Was it the same guy all 3 dates this week or over a long period of time or 3 different guys?" - Interviewer

"Yes!" - Veteran

"I couldn't remember his name, so before I went on the date, I was like, 'Eric, Eric, Eric...' " - Veteran

"I don't know what to do. I prefer talking on the phone or on person because I can't spell well and it's hard for me to get it all in an e-mail." - Eric

"I took that as I can't form a complete sentence...In an e-mail or ever." - Veteran

"He mentioned liking classical music and I thought some of my family likes classical music and they're not crazy... Well, they are actually." - Veteran

"All of his answers to my questions were like, 'Yeah,' 'Hey,' or 'No.' "  -Veteran

"He was really soft spoken. I can be a great cheerleader. Half the time, I couldn't understand what he was saying. I felt like I did a lot of hand-holding," -Veteran

"Anytime I tried to tell a story he would not have any idea what I was talking about or not respond at all," - Veteran

"What do you do like to do? Hang out at the Plaza?" - Veteran

"No," - Eric

"Well, sometimes my parents and I go eat dinner, a lot of times I hang out with my family...Well, I have 1 friend," - Eric

"I discovered I am not a hermit. It was reassuring," - Veteran

"He's 31 years old, lives with his parents not because he has too, he drives a nice SUV," - Veteran

"He told me that his sister just had a baby shower, but he couldn't remember the baby's name," - Veteran

"I'm confused.  Either I'm picking guys that are just nice, but not so nice that you want to see them again, or maybe I'm confusing politeness with niceness," - Veteran

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"There's this one guy I like but I can't remember his name...I can tell you all about his face." - Veteran

"Let's just call him Dave & Buster Date. The one you liked," -Interviewer

"That's what I've been calling him, because it's easier than remembering his real name!" - Veteran

"I have learned a lot about myself through all this. I am social, I like myself and I am a lot cooler than I thought I was," - Veteran

Monday, December 2

Bad Haircut

It's one of those things I don't care much about, but I probably should. I might be caring a little bit more now, as I'm noticing a difference between "good" haircuts and "bad" haircuts.

For a little history, my mom or my brother cut my hair for FREE growing up. So you mistakenly believe, "This is an easy skill and I shouldn't have to pay someone a lot to fix it for me."
After mom and bro got too busy and I needed a haircut, I just pulled in to the nearest place with a "walk-ins welcome" sign.  It ended with mixed results, sometimes I got a good haircut and sometimes I got a bad haircut. Whether or not I brought in a picture, whether or not I said, "I trust you, just have fun with those SCISSORS!"

 Though, I noticed a trend, when asked and I mentioned my job as an educator. I found out a LOT of people have opinions about education. So much so, that they spent most of their time on their soapbox...Several times I wanted to interrupt and mention, "I'm concerned that we are distracted from the task at hand...My haircut."  I ALWAYS had a bad haircut at the end. 

I have a new plan now, when asked about my occupation, "I'm an accountant." 

Monday, June 10

Around the World in 8 Days

...Without Leaving the State of Missouri

You see, the state of Missouri isn't very original when it comes to naming their cities. They named most of their towns and counties after other places or other cities...Basically you can travel the world without leaving the state of Missouri.

Here are some of the places you can visit without leaving the state:
Beverly Hills
Dodge City

New Madrid

For those of you needing an adventure on a budget :D

Saturday, July 28

Forget Batman, Superman is Better

How does Superman come up with all of those great one-liners?  That's what he does when he's at his secret sanctum. Write one-liners.

Saturday, July 14

Banjo lessons Part 2

It hasn't happened yet, but I'm pretty sure my banjo teacher is going to hit me with the neck of his banjo. On accident though...

Friday, July 13

Using All 5 Senses

One day I was playing cards during lunch with family...It was my turn to deal.

Me - "Hum...these must be the dinner deck. I can tell because they are greasy."

Sister - "Yes and they all smell different. See (Sniffing a card) Pizza! (Sniffing a card) This one's hot dogs! (Sniffing a card) Leftover lasagna..."

I learned a new game that day. It required all 5 senses.