Saturday, August 7

Unsolicited Advice: How To Organize a Shared Pantry

Unsolicited Advice
Given an impractically deep pantry, as well as two or more people having to consolidate their consumables, a strict system of organization is required. I will share how we organized our pantry for your benefit and free of charge.

You may not be able to tell but this pantry is exactly 2 feet deep.

First the pantry should be emptied. Thereafter the future contents are sorted with similar items together. Starting at the top these are at eye level, items should be small, since they would be harder to notice on other shelves. Using a labeling contraption is a simple way to reduce confusion of each shelf's contents.

For each shelf make a custom label that would cross cultural and language barriers so all inhabitants will know where to find what they are looking for.

Pretty Self-explanatory. All your little spice jars should go on top.

A.K.A. Fiber, lots and lots of fiber.

What used to be the foundation of the food pyramid: the whole grains family.

Labeling it “misc.” just wasn't clear enough.

Now our nearly perfect pantry shelf is clearly organized for all. If you were wanting something more than “good enough,” like more of a PERFECT pantry shelf, I can only suggest that you have organizational units that slide in and out to quickly find what's in the back of the pantry like so.

Unsolicited Advice Anytime,



  1. Love it! I will be checking back frequently. P.S. I have the same labeler, and am more than a little obsessed with it. Oooh maybe it needs a name.
