Friday, December 2

Top Running Scenes

I'm not a runner or much for drama, but a good running scene can really make a movie.
 these get my votes for:
Best Running Scenes in a Movie

Forrest Gump - He's so intense he needs people to tell him to stop.
When Harry Met Sally - He wants to see her, RIGHT NOW, so he runs across New York on New Years Eve. Totally believable and the only time you will ever see Billy Crystal run.

Braveheart - They are running towards men with horses, that takes guts. Scottish guts.
Napoleon Dynamite - Well, it's not here for it's dramatic impact.
Stardust - You get to see character and running skills development.
Crocodile Dundee - You have to wait until the end of the movie but it's classic and the only running scene without shoes.

Running Scenes Not making the list:
Dear Frankie --Still a great movie, but lackluster running skills.
Chariots of Fire -- really it feels like the movie is 3 days long...I have friends that love this movie and I'm not saying it's not a great movie, but that's 3 days of my life I will never get back.

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